Well after the initial voting, looks like Thursday 7/27 is going to be the day! If you didn't get a chance to vote or something has come up, let us know now. Use the area at the bottom of this page to add your food item you plan on bringing.

What's the weather going to be like?

What type of food are you planning on bringing? Click here to add your items.

Ray 07/25/06 * 11:19:20 EDT
Potato Salad
Craig Clayton (I sit behind Jim and in front of Christy)07/25/06 * 11:04:48 EDT
Burgers - thank god for cows!
Corbin07/21/06 * 12:40:12 EDT
Maybe...cucumber sandwiches. If Craig decides to try one. And baked beans.
Shirley Wilkinson07/20/06 * 12:49:27 EDT
Tomato Salad
Wanda07/20/06 * 12:45:47 EDT
Yummy pasta salad supreme
jim trout07/20/06 * 12:43:59 EDT
drinks and a cooler...whew, that was complicated.
julie Clark07/20/06 * 12:32:52 EDT
desert suprise with nuts

Choose one of the options below. After you choose, you will be able to see the results of all the votes.

Would you like to have a chip-in?

Total votes: 362

Which day are you available next week?
(1 vote)
(0 votes)
(0 votes)
(7 votes)
  (0 votes)*

Additional comments:

*28th is out for Chris, Ray, Jon and Craig